Here is a selection of random thoughts and trivia!
Anyone for cake? Victorian sandwich with fresh (Marshall's) raspberries and cream, made for my sister on her birthday.
Wednesday 9 December 20
Sent a submission to a publisher. Scary.
Tuesday 25 August 20
Howling gales and sideways rain - very atmospheric but I am swithering over whether to put my central heating on - in August !?!
Friday 14 August 20
Getting mad as hell with myself as I am not working fast enough. Ever since lockdown started, I have felt slow and sluggish. If I haven’t had Covid -19, I am certainly identifying with it.
Friday 26 June 20
Just spent a day and a half !!! organising images for my first three blogs. Who knew it would take so long. Normal procedure is to organise images as I'm producing the blog but I got so carried away with the writing that I just completely forgot about images. All sorted now.
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